Katrina D. Hamel
christian fiction author
Hey there!
I'm Katrina, and I'm a wife, mom, and Christian Historical Fiction author.
I want the Bible to feel real to me.
I want it to feel real to you! Tangible, touchable, impacting-every-aspect-of-our-lives kind of real.
The way I connect to history and new ideas is through stories. Bald facts tend to go in one ear and out the other, but if I can see how history impacted people, and how it impacts me, now we've got something.
My Family!
We live in a busy generation, where time to really dig into our faith comes at a premium. Yet we all want a deeper spiritual life!
How do we connect to the Bible when it often seems like it's describing a completely different world? The culture and lifestyles seem alien and can feel harsh or oppressive in our modern view. Sometimes our lack of understanding of the history and the traditions of the Bible can twist our understanding of what is really going on.
The past few years, I've loved learning more Bible history, and I'm excited to share what I learn with you in short but in-depth articles!
I was born and raised into a Christian family, and that was an incredible blessing for me. Family Bible times were the norm for us, so the stories I share on my blog and in my collection of short stories, As the Stars, have been in my heart since a young age. I was baptized at the age of twelve, and have had the usual ups and downs of faith throughout my life. I'm the first to say I am far from a perfect Christian. I struggle, I have many flaws, and if you do too, I get it. Thankfully for us, our salvation does not depend on our own righteousness! That amazing truth soothes my fears about being good enough to share my stories with you.
Right now, I work three days a week outside the home, in an amazing job where I get to listen to podcasts all day long. I love it! Two days a week are set aside for writing, researching, and editing. As an indie author, I am always learning and growing my skills.
I fulfilled a life-long dream when I self-published Dividing Sword. I hope and pray that the novel will encourage my readers to see themselves in the gospel message. My novel, Joanna, digs into what it means to be a woman of faith in a world where faith is often belittled or scorned. In the second book of that series, Wife of Chuza, Joanna moves into the dangerous role of a disciple of Jesus, all while maintaining a marriage, caring for her young ward, and trying to keep her brother out of trouble. The last book of this trilogy will release in 2023, God willing!
So I invite you to Jump in the Way with me, and dive into the history and stories of those who went before us: flawed, real people, heroes of faith with something to say.