
I hope you like my new site! (I feel like I'm working through the "teen" stage of blogging, still trying to find out who I am!)
Here is a little bit about the how and the why of this blog:
During a Bible Study class, the Leader asked that we take one story from the book of Matthew and write a short story. I was immediately excited, and dove right in. Writing is something I have loved to do since I was a child, yet I never seemed to make enough time for it. My class leader enjoyed my little scene, shared it with a mentor of his, and the two of them have encouraged me to keep going, to take the Gospel of Matthew and create a novel. A year later, a novel has taken shape! While I am neck deep in edits, plans are being laid for publishing. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements!
Sometimes, I need to step back from the grit of editing and refresh myself with some fun side writing. I thought I would continue on in the same way I began. I will create bite-sized stories drawn from the pages of the Bible - a scene, a moment in time, a flash of color and sound and emotion - to draw the reader into the classic stories, to pull them back to the Bible to experience once again the power of a story.
Here are true stories told again in their original settings, but with a modern style. Maybe, you'll see yourself in them. Maybe, they'll change the way you see yourself.
Thanks sabra_patmore!
Live what you are doing!